Join the Journey Annual Conference 2024 - Call for Proposal

The New York State Trauma-Informed Network and Resource Center (NYS TINRC) is holding a free conference for everyone!

Funded by the New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH), the NYS TINRC brings together individuals, organizations, and communities across the state. Their goal is to make New York a more trauma-informed place, which helps people heal and thrive.


Whether you're new to understanding trauma or have been involved for a while, this conference is for you! It's a great opportunity to learn, connect, and be part of a supportive network.


This year, we welcome your ideas for workshops and talks that focus on concrete skills, take-aways, practices, and strategies that fit into one of the following pathways:

  • Beginning the Journey: Workshops and presentations geared towards folks who are new to trauma-informed practices or just beginning their journey. Possible topics include:
    • Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), their impact, and different adversity screening tools.
    • ACEs: beyond the 1998 study and current research.
    • What are trauma-informed practices? What does being trauma-informed look like in schools, organizations, and communities? 
  • Organizational Transformation: Workshops and sessions designed to give organizations and groups ideas, practices, strategies and more to continue their Trauma Informed (TI) journey. Possible topics include:
    • What has your organization done, learned, and practiced on your journey? - examples and step-by-step strategies to become more trauma-informed. 
    • Creating an environment that promotes health and wellness - examples at all levels of the organization.
    • Exploring trauma-informed leadership. Workshops that focus on skills for leaders to cultivate supportive, resilient work environments and recognize the impact of trauma. 
  • Front-Line Worker Wellness: Workshop sessions made for folks working in direct service environments. Possible topics include:
    • Promoting health and wellness from the ground up - examples and ideas for getting started. 
    • Practicing trauma-informed principles even in non-trauma-informed work environments - examples, practices, and ideas for planting the seed of trauma-informed approaches with others.
  • Resilience & Wellness: Workshops and sessions created for folks looking to boost their skills and practices for strengthening resilience and impacting wellness. Possible topics include:
    • Ideas and practices for building resilience for individuals and groups.
    • What do resilience and wellness practices and principles look like in the workplace? Ideas for how to build and promote practices in organizations. 
    • Experiential wellness sessions such as arts, movement, crafts, journaling, and more. 


We’re especially interested in proposals from, and/or topics relevant to, folks who are or identify as: 

  • Black
  • Indigenous
  • People of Color
  • Disabled
  • Parents
  • Immigrants and new Americans
  • Impacted by systemic oppression and violence
  • Community members who may or may not have organizational affiliation
  • People with *lived experience 
  • First time presenters 


*By lived experience we mean, knowledge and understanding about topics that come through direct, first-hand involvement. For example, if someone was going to give a workshop on delivering first-aid and they had lived-experience, that would mean they had given first-aid and experienced what it’s like to do so.


How to Submit a Workshop Proposal:

To submit a proposal (you’ll need to submit a separate application for each workshop you want to present):

  • After answering questions, you’ll be able to attach any additional information to support your workshop submission (proposal), as appropriate.
  • You will also have the option to submit your proposal via audio/video content.
  • Proposals are due Friday, June 7, 2024. 
  • Proposals will be reviewed by the conference planning committee between June 1 and June 30, 2024. 
  • You will be notified of proposal acceptance by Monday July 15, 2024. 
  • Please contact us if you want help with your proposals, including resources for sharing learning objectives!  


Below are the questions you’ll be asked to respond to (250 words max per question) in the conference proposal application form: 

  • What is your workshop title? (if selected, this will be used in the conference materials).
  • What is your workshop about? (if selected, this will be used in the conference materials).
  • Which of the four pathways does your workshop focus on? (Please select all that apply).
    • Beginning the Journey
    • Frontline Worker Wellness
    • Organizational Transformation
    • Wellness and Resilience 
  • What do you hope people will learn or take away from your workshop? Or, if you use learning objectives, what are your *learning objectives? 


*If you would like participants to receive continuing education units (CEUs) for your workshops, you will need to submit learning objectives. This doesn’t guarantee that CEU’s will be awarded. Please also reach out to us if you’d like support in writing learning objectives for your session.  


We want to encourage folks with lived experience and those from groups that experience oppression to apply. At the same time, we want to respect your choice in what you share. 

  • Are you (and any co-presenters) willing to share more about your identity?
    • If yes, please describe.
  • Does your workshop address topics relevant to a specific group?
    • If yes, please describe.
  • What will you do to make your workshop experiential and interactive? 


We also invite you to apply in the way that works best for you, including through video or audio recordings. Please be sure to answer all of the above questions to the best of your ability and submit them through the workshop application site.


How We Will Select Workshops:  

The TINRC Conference Planning Committee will carefully review all proposals and choose those that best fit this year’s focus areas. They’ll consider how well your proposal describes your workshop and how closely it aligns with the conference topics using a rubric.   


If you have any questions, please email: